Instructional; non-competitive; no scores or standings
- Multiple groups of players and each group starts at different station each week.
- Each group rotates through stations based upon size and or set timeframe.
- Approved Parent Volunteers (all volunteers must be approved, they will need to process volunteer form) to coach a station and or rotate through with group.
- Run from home thru 1st base (don't look at ball)
- Run from home to second (touch inside corner of base)
- Run from home to third (emphasize names of bases)
- Run around bases (Score the run!)
- Fielding Fly Balls (Tennis Balls)
- Throw tennis ball; "pop up" (Advanced sessions: Use tennis racquet)
- “Catch ball with eyes" "the glove protects the eyes"
- Glove faces upward; Use 2 hands; Bare hand covers up FIELDING GROUND BALLS (Tennis / Safety Balls)
- Have group practice proper position: Feet spread shoulder width; glove (facing up) on ground directly beneath body; Keep backside down (“mushy tushy”), use 2 hands (bare hand to cover up & throw to coach)
- Throw grounders (Advanced sessions; Hit grounders) directly at players
- Throw (or hit) grounders to player's side; emphasize: shuffle "in front" of ball THROWING: PITCHING TO TARGET (Safety balls/Softballs; Hoop; Pitching Rubber)
- Demonstrate overhand throw; Emphasize: throwing off back foot & follow thru
- Players get 5 consecutive throws from rubber thru hoop 15’ away THROWING FOR DISTANCE (USE Safety Balls)
- Have players line up; 5 consecutive throws across field to coach
- HITTING OFF TEE into fence (Safety balls, Batting Tee and Bat)
- Demonstrate proper stance (Front foot toward back of plate) and swing. Emphasize: hands back; elbow down; "karate chop" with lead arm; small step toward pitcher; eye on ball; follow thru (head looking at the pitcher)
- Player gets 5 consecutive swings HITTING (Stationary Tee; Home Plate; Bat)
Instructional; non-competitive; no scores or standings
- No games played 90 minutes of Warm up/ Drills/ Practice until after Midseason, then 45 minutes ofWarm up/ Drills/ Practice and 45 minute Scrimmage Game
- Practice drills: Proper Throwing, Fielding, Hitting and Base Running
- Proper stance and swing
- Running through 1st base
- Running base to base
- Proper positioning on the field
- Catching ground balls and throwing to correct base
- Catching fly balls and throwing to correct base
- SAFETY FIRST: Do not allow swings on deck / Each player must wear a helmet at bat and on base.
- All players will have a maximum of 3 pitches thrown by a coach.
- If no contact is made after 3 pitches, the T will be used.
- Please do not allow more than 3 pitches.
- Entire team will bat once around
- 1st coach will pitch to own team (have several balls ready)
- 2nd coach will catch and assist batter
- 3rd coach will be in the dugout.
- Only one base will be allowed regardless of the situation
- Teach children how to run through 1st base and how to hold at 2nd and 3rd
- Last batter to round bases (touch them all!)
- SAFETY FIRST: Never throw a ball to player who is not looking
- All players will play the field and rotate each inning.
- Place player in correct positions: 5 infielders including a player next to pitcher’s mound 4 or 5 outfielders across (outfielders must be on outfield grass). No catcher will be used
- 2 coaches in the infield and 1 coach in the outfield continuously instructing players where to throw the ball on a hit and which base to cover.
Instructional; non-competitive; no scores or standings
- Proper stance and swing
- Running the bases and taking extra base with sliding
- Properly positioning players and making plays
- Catching groundballs and throwing to correct base
- Catching fly balls and throwing to correct base
- Outfielders run after ball and throw ball into cut off man
- Throwing Strikes, proper pitching motion
- Fastballs only
- SAFETY FIRST:All players must wear batting helmets while at bat, coaching or running the bases.
- Rotate batting order each game
- 3 outs or 5 runs will end a half inning
- Extra base on balls hit into outfield
- Base runner can’t advance when ball is in infield, must be on outfield grass
- Windmill should be instructed and recommended to be used
- DISTANCE TO HOME PLATE IS 35 FEET — the girls cannot be any closer for safety and insurance reasons
- SAFETY FIRST:All fielders must be in ready position looking at the batter and never throw a ball to a player who is not looking
- One coach is on the field
- Children must change position every inning
- 10 players maximum (4 outfielders) on the field; (Outfielders must play on outfield grass)
- All children should be given an opportunity to pitch, catch and play 1st
- Catcher (must be ready with equipment prior to inning)
- One player stands next to coach who is pitching and fields position
- 2 or 3 coaches on field instructing where to throw ball and which base to cover
- Pinch runner for catcher with 2 outs
- Coaches instruct short stop and second basemen to get cut offs
- Outfielders run after ball and throw ball into cut off man
Children will pitch a maximum of 4 pitches per batter and a maximum of one inning Offense coach stands behind catcher and assists batter. Additional offense coaches on bench and coaching bases.
- After 4 pitches from player, offense coach (from batting team) pitches. This must be enforced so play flows and girls stay focused.
- Count stays the same. Coach completes the at- bat
- There are no walks, batter must hit
- 3 strikes record an out with umpire calling balls and strikes (Teach girls the strike zone and to swing the bat. No additional 3rd strikes)
- No infield fly rule at this level.
- Only positive cheering allowed. Remind your coaches and parents and promote good sportsmanship.
Open Softball Little league rules: Competitive with scores, standings, playoffs & District 29 / Tournament Team
- No leading.
- Three steals (once ball crosses the plate) per inning
- First runner (each team) leaving base early on tag up play or stealing will be given a warning and then sent back to the base. Thereafter runner will be called out.
- 1 additional base allowed on steal play (if overthrow or uncaught ball)
- No Stealing of home (Note: With runners on 1st and 3rd , runner from 3rd can only try to advance to home if throw to second goes onto outfield grass; This encourages throwing down to 2nd base)
- Runner can advance 1 base on an overthrow to any base
- No delayed steals
- Tagging up is permitted.
- No head first sliding
- 10 Players on the Field Max.
- 5 runs maximum per inning except for 6th or final inning (Visiting team must have same opportunity in final inning as home team to score more than five runs)
- 4 walks maximum or any pitcher that hits 2 batters per inning OR 3 batters during game MUST be removed as a pitcher that game. This rule must be enforced.
- Any player who has played the position of catcher in 4 or more innings in a game, is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day
- Prior to playoffs, all players who want, should be allowed to pitch
- Windmill should be instructed and used
- DISTANCE TO HOME PLATE IS 35 FEET — the girls cannot be any closer for safety and insurance reasons
Competitive with scores, standings & District 29 / Tournament Team
Schedule: To Be Determined / D29 Games
Home Location: Field 3 D29 Schedule
Offense: Open Softball / Rules as directed by Little League and District 29 Play
Defense: Open Softball / Rules as directed by Little League and District 29 Play
Pitching: Distance to home plate is 40 feet
Competitive with scores, standings & District 29 / Tournament Team
Schedule: To Be Determined / D29 Games
Home Location: Field 3 D29 Schedule
Offense: Open Softball / Rules as directed by Little League and District 29 Play
Defense: Open Softball / Rules as directed by Little League and District 29 Play
Pitching: Distance to home plate is 43 feet